Friday, July 18, 2008

Sunset/Salsa Cruise

The Greater Bridgeport Latino Network (GBLN) hosted a Sunset Cruise last night. Here in Bridgeport, CT we have a Port Jefferson Ferry that takes passengers from CT to Rhode Island, NY. Last night, the GBLN stirred up the Ferry by hiring a DJ and shaking up the Ferry a little bit. I had such a wonderful time last night, with the DJ blasting salsa, merengue and old school freestyle music.

Before the ship docked off, GBLN had platinos, arroz, y empanadias (de carne y pollo) for their passengers to enjoy before getting on the ship. Once the Ferry was in sight, everyone began to become excited because the fun was about to begin.

The floor on the ferry was rubber and hard to dance on, but it hardly stopped the party from going. As you can see, last's post, Mr. M.B. even made his way to the ferry and showed his salsa moves. Even some of my sorority sisters were on the Ferry, so it was a good surprise.

Food, drinks, good music, family, friends, and dancing salsa on a boat was such a blast!! The GBLN did a fantastic job on hosting this Sunset Cruise and nothing can beat the feeling of being surrounded by water, the sunset and dancing salsa.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and you said CT was wack lol

